Data Storage
Every company today is related with information technologies in one way or another. It means that business success is possible only if the company knows how to store information, at the same time having ensured maximum access to data for those who have such rights and ensuring the data is inaccessible to the rest. The task is not a simple one as data volumes today grow like an avalanche. Therefore information storage system is very important part of a computer space.
Company iPro can offer secure complex solutions that a) allows storage of a huge amount of data, without purchase of additional disc volumes; b) allows maximum speed for data base access; c) provides for data backup creation which can be switched over to immediately in any extraordinary situation, starting with flood and ending with unexpected change of regime.
These are definitely not all possibilities of modern data storage system, among which is also such an exotic solution as synchronization through satellite with another data centre, which can be located, for instance, somewhere in Zimbabwe.
Allows for immediate acquisition of all data duplicates and store these for indefinite period of time, without occupation of space on the disc. It is a true time machine that allows returning to the previous day, week or month and renewing all lost or edited files.
Data encryption
Finds in your computer system any duplicated files that are saved with different names on different places (the same text, images or movies) and merges then in one copy, thus saving up to 70 percent of space on the disc.
Disaster Recovery
Provides for data geographical protection by creating a mirror copy of all data that is located in another place, city or country. It guarantees for data saving in case of any force majeure.
Provides for data protection in case the data carrier (disc, USB flash) is stolen, lost or accidentally thrown away. A person who has gained unsanctioned access to this data carrier will not be able to extract any information from it.
Data mirroring
Guarantees that the company will be able to operate also in case of a natural disaster. For this purpose a technological backup control point is created which is activated within some minutes, if anything has happened to the basic control point.

According to calculations of IT technologies market research company Gartner, 40 percent of the international companies who have incurred serious problems with access to data had to be liquidated while 60 percent lost part of their business. All of it had happened only because these companies have not paid enough attention to creation of good data storage system.